This track shows the coverage of individual summits processed from Schmittges et al. 2016 from the Hughes lab. ChIP-SEQ of many GFP tagged ZNFs in HEK293 cells. Not all proteins are human, and not all are KRAB-Zinc fingers proteins.
Use in combination with the corresponding summits and meta-summits tracks.
#make bb summits
mkdir ../hg38reps/schmittges2016
ls ../hg19/schmittges2016/*.bb | cut -f 4 -d "/" | cut -f 1 -d"." | while read i; do bigBedToBed ../hg19/schmittges2016/${i}.bb temp.bed; awk '$4=$1":"$2"-"$3' temp.bed > test.bed; liftOver -multiple test.bed ../lift/hg19_to_hg38reps.over.chain ../hg38reps/schmittges2016/${i}_hg38reps.bed ../hg38reps/schmittges2016/${i}_hg38reps.unmapped; bedSort ../hg38reps/schmittges2016/${i}_hg38reps.bed ../hg38reps/schmittges2016/${i}_hg38reps.bed; bedToBigBed ../hg38reps/schmittges2016/${i}_hg38reps.bed ../hg38reps/hg38reps.sizes ../hg38reps/schmittges2016/${i}; done
#make coverage
ls ../hg38reps/schmittges2016/*.bed | cut -f 4 -d"/" | cut -f 1 -d"." | while read i; do bedtools genomecov -bg -split -i ../hg38reps/schmittges2016/${i}.bed -g ../hg38reps/hg38reps.sizes >; bedGraphToBigWig ../hg38reps/hg38reps.sizes ../hg38reps/schmittges2016/${i}.bw; done
Schmitges FW, Radovani E, Najafabadi HS, Barazandeh M, Campitelli LF, Yin Y, Jolma A, Zhong G, Guo H, Kanagalingam T et al. Multiparameter functional diversity of human C2H2 zinc finger proteins. Genome Res. 2016 Dec;26(12):1742-1752. PMID: 27852650; PMC: PMC5131825
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