This track shows mappings of all near full length (>6000 nt) L1PA5->3 instances in Orangutan to the corresponding Repeat Browser consensus.
The track is a coverage track of all elements found in the labeled genome. Drops in coverage indicate lack of alignment (e.g. a deletion).
Use this track to see if deletions or insertions correspond to factor binding.
#get the L1PA from the rmsk file, sort it, merge it [sometimes L1PA not full merged!!!] but don't merge two giant things, filter on full length
cat legend.txt | while read i; do grep -P "\t${1}\t" ${i}_RepeatMasker.bed | bedtools sort | bedtools merge -s | awk '$3-$2>6000' > ${i}_${1}_full.bed; done
#get sequence
cat legend.txt | while read i; do twoBitToFa -bed=${i}_${1}_full.bed -bedPos${i}.2bit ${i}_${1}_full.fa; done
cat legend.txt | while read i; do blat RepeatBrowserConsensus/${1}.fa ${i}_${1}_full.fa ${i}_${1}_full.psl; done
#make coverage track
cat legend.txt |while read i; do ${i}_${1}_full.psl ~/public_html/RepeatBrowserHub/hg38reps/hg38reps.sizes bw/${i}_${1}; done
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